The Rise of Deception Technology – How Businesses Are Using it to Combat Cyber Threats

Deception Technology
The Rise of Deception Technology – How Businesses Are Using it to Combat Cyber Threats

Whether trying to move the needle on your detect, know, and respond metrics or struggling with false positives, deception technology can help.

Deception technology baits cybercriminals like the cheddar cheese dangling on a mouse trap. Once an attacker lands on a lure, intel is gathered, and alerts are generated, decreasing dwell time and helping to prevent data theft.

Detecting Cyber Threats

A cyber attack can be challenging to detect and stop when the attacker’s goals have already been met. Deception technology augments an enterprise security stack by generating traps or decoys that mimic legitimate technology assets throughout the infrastructure. When an attacker interacts with a decoy, a silent alarm is triggered while the system records its activity and attack vectors.

False positives cripple security teams and drag them through convoluted alert triage workflows. Deception technology cuts through the noise with low false positives and high-fidelity alerts packed with valuable threat intelligence. It is a great way to prevent attackers from getting what they want, and it can be deployed on all types of hardware and software.

The global deception technology market is growing fast. It is being used to detect threats across the entire kill chain, from reconnaissance and exploitation through privilege escalation and lateral movement. It is also used to find and stop ransomware, spearphishing attacks, malware, and data theft.

The deception technology market is driven by increasing demand in the manufacturing and government sectors to enhance security and create business risk awareness. It is easy to scale and can be integrated with other tools in the cybersecurity stack. It can also be deployed on legacy systems and newer Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Detecting Phishing Attacks

Cyber attackers adapt their tactics to avoid detection and breach business-critical systems as they become more sophisticated. This adaptation requires IT to deploy types of deception technology as a complementary layer to their existing prevention technologies.

The global deception security market is growing rapidly owing to rising incidents of zero-day attacks, malware, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats. The demand for the technology is further fueled by the increasing number of government entities and businesses deploying the solution to identify vulnerabilities and protect their data and systems from cyberattacks.

Deception technology eliminates IT teams’ most prevalent pain point: alert fatigue. It is designed to reduce the volume of alerts that are either noise or false positives. The IT team can quickly and confidently analyze threats and determine their impact on business operations and data by generating high-confidence, low-alse-positive alerts packed with valuable information.

While no security tool can prevent phishing or spearphishing attacks, deception technologies can help by making attackers think they have gained access to their target system and begin searching for sensitive data. However, if the cyber attackers realize they are only interacting with decoy assets, they will leave the system before causing any real damage. This reduces the attack surface and lowers the risk. The deception deployment can also record the attacker’s behavior and fingerprint their TTPs to aid in threat hunting. This can all be done within minutes, freeing up man-hours to respond to more advanced and capable attackers.

Detecting Malware

When a cybercriminal is in your network, you must get him out quickly before he can do much damage. Deception technology allows you to create a false environment for hackers to investigate and distract them from the real infrastructure. It consists of traps or lures that mimic real technology assets throughout your network. The traps can be false entries about setting up backups or connecting to network drives, fake user credentials, and other objects. Hackers will interact with these, and that behavior is recorded and reported.

Unlike UEBA systems, which are prone to false positives and data paralysis, deception tools can provide more detailed information about an attack. They can also be augmented with intelligence to create a more complete backstory for the threat.

Deception technology is beneficial for detecting attacks that involve moving laterally. These are typically more sophisticated and require the hacker to conduct reconnaissance to identify interconnected components of your system. Deception tools can detect and disrupt these lateral movements before they can do much harm. They also work well with Zero Trust systems to prevent attackers from reaching the privileged and sensitive resources they’re after.

Detecting Ransomware

Deception technology offers a way to detect ransomware attacks in real time and disrupt the attack. By creating a fake version of an organization’s most valuable assets, deception solutions lure cybercriminals away from the company’s real servers and applications, diverting them to a trap where they cannot steal or access sensitive data.

Unlike point security solutions that use signatures or heuristics to detect attacks, deception-based defenses are attack-vector agnostic and only look at the attacker’s intent. As a result, they can detect lateral movement attacks, malwareless threats, APTs, zero-days, and social engineering – and identify the location of business-critical files that the attacker is targeting.

The deception market is highly competitive, with several small and large players offering innovative products to meet growing demand. Companies leverage strategies like product innovation and mergers and acquisitions to stay ahead.

Deception technology offers an attractive value proposition for enterprises, with a low false positive rate and minimal performance impact on the network. In addition, it offers significant cost benefits and a faster MTTK than traditional detection systems. Its ability to reduce the number of alerts, which often leads to a security team being overwhelmed by noise and unable to focus on threat hunting, helps increase the effectiveness of existing security controls.

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