Unlocking Creativity, Productivity, and Focus: The Surprising Benefits of Doodling

Benefits Of Doodling
Unlocking Creativity, Productivity, and Focus: The Surprising Benefits of Doodling

If you think that doodling is just another way to kill time, you are wrong. Multiple research studies prove that doodling is the type of art that is beneficial for human well-being. Whether you’re an A+ student or feel like you’re lagging behind, doodling can help you in many ways, from boosting creativity and productivity to training your brain and helping you feel less stressed. If you’re new to the art of doodling, we’ll help you get a better idea of the doodle revolution and actually show you why you should make it part of your routine.

The Science of Doodling

Why do people doodle? Well, remember your last phone call when you were discussing your latest date with a friend and…aimlessly drawing hearts on a piece of paper at the same time? Or, perhaps you did the same while listening to your college professor during a lecture when your mind was occupied? That’s doodling, guys! The act of scribbling, sketching, or drawing without any particular goal. One can doodle the faces and people, places and hieroglyphs, or elements that do not even exist in real life. The point here is that the finished product doesn’t matter at all. It’s the actual ‘journey’ that matters the most, not the ‘destination.’

Doodling is always unique. In other words, the final results of the doodling of different people will never look alike. For that reason, there are no requirements or instructions on how to doodle or how your doodle should look. While for you, repeated faces and lines may be your favorite types of doodling, your college pal may be into drawing the same words (like her name or the name of her new boyfriend). To cut a long story, pick out what you’re most familiar with or/and comfortable with, and…just doodle it!

Doodling and Creativity

Not only college students but also housewives, office managers, and professional essay writers choose doodling as a way to stop daydreaming and not fall asleep. When you draw, you get engaged in a creative process that helps your brain generate ideas or solutions to any problem you’re facing at the moment. What is more, doodling is an excellent technique for those who are looking for ways to reshape ideas that they already have. Let’s say you’re a writer who is busy with your novel. The process of doodling characters, faces, symbols, or anything else in the margins may help your brain generate more intricate plots. Even those students who are engaged in exact sciences can use doodling to hone the creativity that they may lack. The learning styles of medical students, law or physical undergrads can gain a lot from doodling being incorporated into the process!

Doodling for Productivity

If you’re in college, you definitely know someone who likes doodling. Chances are the student often doodled during lectures or while talking to you over a cup of coffee. That’s how it works! And while for you, the process looked like nothing special, it’s actually a big deal! The truth is that the simple and sometimes primitive act of doodling can boost your productivity a lot! When you find yourself in a situation that requires 100% of your attention (an important lecture or a meeting), doodling can help you keep your mind from wandering. Based on the research performed by the University of Plymouth, an experienced doodler can recall almost 30% more info than those who never doodle.

Doodling for Focus and Concentration

Can doodling help you concentrate? Absolutely, yes. The simple act of doodling helps students maintain focus by being a non-disruptive outlet for excess mental energy. This helps college and university students stay engaged with the task at hand. According to the “What Does Doodling Do?” research (2009) by psychologist Jackie Andrade, doodlers keep in mind more info than those who don’t doodle after a meeting or lecture. The author of the research revealed that this process occupies the human mind to the extent that is sufficient to keep people from zoning out or daydreaming. As a result, you can actually pay attention to and focus on the information that you have to absorb and remember.

Your Personal Stress Reliever

If you’re feeling stressed…Well, you’re a college student and you may be interested in good student habits. There’s no doubt that you are feeling stressed! That’s when doodling can come in handy. After all, it’s an effective and one of the simplest coping mechanisms. The point is that rhythmic and repetitive drawings are known to deal very well with the so-called fight-or-flight response of the human body. Besides, doing any sort of art has been proven to lower the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).

Doodling Boosts Your Mood

Not that we know that doodling can make you more focused and creative, but it is important to mention that it also makes you a happier person. But in this case, it is crucial to pay attention to what exactly you choose to draw. Next time you find yourself doodling, consider drawing something that makes you smile or gives you extra positive emotions. An immediate mood boost is guaranteed!

Let Your Inner Child Out

Remember those good old days when you were a happy kid and your imagination knew no limits? It’s doodling that can help you dive into those peaceful times. When you feel spontaneous to immerse yourself in the process of doodling, you will soon feel those childhood feelings kick in.

Hone Your Memory

As weird as it may sound to you, a lot of studies prove that students who were doodling when listening to college lectures or talking on the phone were able to retain more info. This is explained by the fact that the very process of doodling can keep the human brain engaged when you otherwise might 100% tune out. What is more, it’s something that can keep you awake when you feel bored.

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Learn to Be a Better Listener

Every been in the middle of a conversation with someone and realized that it had been a while since you were mind-absent? If you find it hard to focus on the conversation for more than 10 or 15 minutes, start doodling. Multiple pieces of research prove that drawing helps us get into the so-called pure listening state. This is something that is similar to the state you find yourself in during meditation. In other words, by means of simple doodling, you find that very spot between listening too little and listening too much. Thus, your mind doesn’t zone out while you hear what you have to hear. Next time you’re having your college Zoom call, try doodling to take in what the other participants of the conference are talking about. Just don’t forget to turn your camera off!

Practical Tips for Incorporating Doodling

If you want to infuse doodling into your routine, here are nine ways you can do that fast.

  • Basics rock! If you can’t boast of having vast drawing experience, don’t worry. It is recommended to start your doodling journey with the simplest stick figures and shapes, such as lines, triangles, blobs, circles, and squares. When using those basic shapes, you will quickly learn the basics from which you will soon switch to more difficult doodling.
  • Seek inspo online. Luckily, there are dozens of options when it comes to doodling. Check out the works of the author of The Doodle Revolution, Sunni Brown, or browse online videos to see various variants of doodling.
  • Turn note-taking into…doodling! The note-taking process is an integral part of college life. How about transforming it into doodling? You can take notes in the form of written text or use icons, small sketches, as well as mind maps in order to visualize the main aspects of the lecture. Not only will you reinforce your understanding of the given materials, but it will also add a pinch of creativity to your boring notes. With time, your doodles will become memory triggers helping you to recall the needed info during exam sessions.  
  • Create a doodle planner. Create a bullet journal or a custom planner that will become the platform for your doodling art. Allocate some space for weekly or daily doodle sessions in order to enjoy the time when you can express yourself or unwind. Whether you provide the whole page for your sketches or a small corner, you will have an opportunity to make doodling an enjoyable part of your routine.
  • Take doodle breaks. When you’re busy with the study sessions, make sure to take regular breaks. You can have a nap, take a walk, chat with a friend, or…doodle! Take short doodle breaks to have some rest during busy days. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes, and use this timeframe to let your imagination go wild. You let your mind reset mentally and, as a result, avoid burnout.
  • Join doodling groups. Doodling has its benefits, but group doodling has some extra benefits! Make sure to surf some social media platforms or college communities to find like-minded people. Getting in touch with those who like doodling like you will inspire you to explore new styles and techniques. Sharing your masterpieces and taking part in doodling challenges will foster a sense of community and encourage you to integrate doodling into your routine.
  • Adorn your study space. Use doodles to customize your study setting. For example, you can decorate your laptop cover, notebooks, or study table area with the doodles you created. This will help you refresh your room and add a pinch of personality to the dorm room. Finally, your masterpieces will constantly remind you of doodling when it’s time to take a break.   
  • Doodle every time you’re stressed. Unfortunately, college life is stressful. There are loads of techniques that help students combat stress, and doodling is one of them. Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, take a break and enjoy doodling. It could be your own name, your favorite song lyrics, abstract patterns, or anything else. Sooner than you know, the dooming feeling of stress will start fading away, being replaced by a sense of calm.
  • Create doodle-based flashcards. If you’re bored with your study materials, try using doodle-based flashcards. Instead of relying on book illustrations and texts, create symbols and visual cues that are related to the materials that you’re reviewing at the moment. This kind of extra-sensory approach to study sessions will help you hone info retention and make your next study time more engaging.
  • Attend doodle events and workshops. If there are any doodling workshops or events on campus, make sure to attend them! A lot of colleges and universities organize activities that are focused on art. If you ensure to participate in them regularly, you will learn some new doodling styles and techniques, as well as meet people who are passionate about it just the way you are.
  • Digital doodling. Use tech progress to find various digital doodling tools and applications. If you make sure to use tablets with graphic design software installed, you will soon find tons of cyber platforms to experiment with doodling in the most various manners. This kind of progressive approach to the art of doodling will 100% add a tech twist to your creativity.
  • Doodle with pals. How about some doodling challenges? Try collaborating with college pals on doodle challenges. Arrange some sort of friendly competitions or joint projects to provide every participant with a chance to contribute to the doodle. This kind of cooperation will cultivate a solid sense of camaraderie and provide you all with some diverse styles and perspectives.

Incorporating doodling into your college routine is a versatile and enjoyable practice that goes beyond mere artistic expression. It becomes a tool for enhancing learning, managing stress, and fostering creativity. By exploring different ways to integrate doodling into various aspects of your college life, you’ll discover a unique and personal approach to making this creative practice an enriching and consistent part of your daily routine. Happy doodling!

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